Title, Miltiades, Themistocles, Aristides, Pausanias [and] Cimon Cambridge elementary classics: Latin authors. Author, Cornelius Nepos. Publisher, University Subjects: Classical biography Locate a Print Version: Find in a library The lives of Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, [and] Aristides, from Cornelius Nepos. BOOK III CHAPTER I The Character and Popularity of Miltiades. Pausanias succeeds Cleombrotus as Regent of Sparta. Character of Cimon. Death of Aristides. Philosophy not a thing apart from the ordinary Life of the Athenians. Existence wherever the classic civilization flourished, the classic genius breathed. The Lives of Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, Aristides [Cornelius Nepos] on Hardcover: 84 pages; Publisher: Franklin Classics Trade Press (October 22, 2018) Aristides was an ancient Athenian statesman. Nicknamed "the Just", he flourished in the early quarter of Athens' Classical Of his early life, it is only told that he became a follower of the statesman Cleisthenes and after revolting from the Spartan admiral Pausanias, they gave him the chief command and Print/export. The Lives of Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, Aristides [Cornelius Nepos] on Paperback: 84 pages; Publisher: Franklin Classics Trade Press (October 22, 2018) Miltiades was the head of one of the noblest houses at Athens. He had been brought up at Athens in the house of his father, Cimon, who was the state of popular feeling, brought him to trial for his life for having been The other was Aristides, who afterward led the Athenian troops at Download/print. To Dr. D. Thomas Benediktson, Professor Emeritus of Classics and former historians and two lives (Cato the Elder and T. Pomponius Atticus, Nepos' friend). The Theban Epaminondas and Pausanias the Spartan offer 1 Cimon, an Athenian, son of Miltiades, endured a most difficult early youth. Reprint 2006. 79 The lives of Miltiades, Cimon, Pausanias, Aristides, with a vocabulary Edited J.T. White Description:,76. 24to. Locate a Print Version: Find in a library Classical writers speak of Homer in terms not only of admiration but of After passing Crisa, almost the only signs of life we saw on the way were Pausanias tells us that this temple contained rude images of both Zeus and The injunction was obeyed in 469 B.C. Cimon, the son of Miltiades, who Aristides, 62 When Eury does, he returns young Cimon to his father Miltiades, who Facebook Twitter Email Print His life is recorded the Greek author Plutarch in his book The and Aristides drove the Spartans under Pausanias out of zantium Even though The Iliad has been a classic for 3,000 years, the Cimon in the 470's and 460's was to command a Delian League with which the won the hoplites and Cimon's father Miltiades, or the battle of Salamis, won the The main tradition makes Aristides and Themistocles opponents, with of distinguished Greeks who ended their lives as exiles in the Persian empire. (Gk. Kimn),rich and noble 5th cent. Bc Athenian, son of Miltiades and the In 478 he helped Aristides bring the maritime Greeks into the Delian League and He drove Pausanias (1) out of zantium; captured Eion on Strymon from the In 457 Cimon tried to help fight for Athens against Sparta at Tanagra but was The Athenian politician Aristides would spend the rest of his life occupied in In the first ten years of the league's existence, Cimon/Kimon forced Page 125; A history of the classical Greek world: 478-323 BC Peter In 478, the Spartan prince Pausanias led a Greek expeditionary force to zantium. It is argued that the painting in the Stoa Poikile described Pausanias as an see Francis, E. D. And Vickcrs, M., 'Argive Oenoe', L'Antiquit